Thursday, December 31, 2020

On this last day of this YEAR of our Lord (cheeeese & crackers of fucktaculars) Twenty 20

 i,  a little bit turned into my mom:

Hermenia who actually put the MEAN in Hermenia ...oh my mom was famous for asking Very loudly/stern af with all the authority 

 - at family gatherings and PUBLIC gatherings - 

"WHERE?! Is the MOTHER of these kids??!?" if there were any brats anywhere near her or children generally misbehaving/causing probs, she was There to remedy that. 

December 31st, 2020

i was at the beach today w/an amiga who wanted to write 2020 in the sand and take pix of the waves erasing it (yeah yeah happy new year or whatever) 

this is wut it looked like out there today... it was beautiful and breathtakingly so... Literally 

very much not a good idea to be doing this:
at first i was tryin' to just enjoy myself at the ocean ... the beach was empty except for these people who were Not from around here, i could tell.. I most definitely Would Not let my kids out in that water, that's for damn sure.

then i watched them go around that cliff  ..earlier the whole family had tried to go over there but a wave got 'em and they ran towards where i was.. now the adults are chattin' away oblivious  when all's it takes is One second & the riptide's gotcha.  
my heart was Racings & i couldn't not yell out...from a safe distance  cuz of covid, of fucking course .. 
" I Wouldn't let them Swim in this!" gesturing to a not safe ocean to be fucking around with..the one kid's board didn't have a leash & that's a recipe for disaster, another scary ingredient:  the dad had his back turned so the two little kids  were going further where nobody could seee them! my stomach was starting to hurt. Ay yi yi my guts were Forcing me to do the Scoldy! in that WHERE-is-the-mother-of-these-kids voice mixed with my own sweet Ethel Merman theatre voice w/just a rad tinge of  full on California girl  lilt to it - i totally  Shouted i mean for sure..
 i was yelling like Hermenia de la chingada!!! - Over the crashing of the waves 
"Oh my God, they're over around the side IT'S making me soo nervous! I'm so scared For them!!" so the dad called them over.... 

2020 can't be over sooon enuf & it's the last day. 

OUT of the wooods !

 Hurray & Hallelujerz !! omg what a fucktacular x-mas THAT was. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Saturday, December 05, 2020

Felt like writing

 & i have nooo fucking idea why but in a CELEBRATORY manner even tho: 2020 sucks a Big greeeen donkey dick. But fuck it i'm gonna celebrate that i'm still HERE. still writing on this godforsaken blog or at least reader forsaken cuz gahhh i hope god didn't forsake Lickety Split Cleaning Service Blogspot... heh

so the impetus for this burst of wanting to writerly is a book i found down between the wall & my couch called ' What To Say When You Talk To Yourself'  by Shad Helmstetter,PhD. i picked it up for either 25 cents outside of Phoenix Books downtown or grabbed it in a free box cuz it sounds like that kinda title we shouldn't judge books by.  so far i've only read the intro and the acknowledgements which are solid thoughtful i guess.. i mean he's the guy that wrote this book so it's safe to say he's confident about the right solid thoughtful things ta say, n'est-ce-pas? 

as soon as i did my thing where i close my eyes and put my fingers along the edges of the pages of the closed book to Open it to the page i'm supposed to read... & i found pix of my kids i had stashed in there! 

Yayyyyy!! & an envelope i had kissed and a Large Olive can label ... so far this book is pretty Good! 

Lookit Happy & Pop-Pops eleven years ago maybe 12.. i like how they are Barely smiling