Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Goin' to La Chiquita Kyoto style: Beembo bread, milk & Tecate w/lemon (&salt como que no) $9.91

Going passed the house, letting my hair out of it's big loop of messy confines to blow wild in the wind, the plastic bags all dangly for one more block....
I feel GOOD. I feel like I struck it rich right here in the ghetto.


Mathew Parkin said...

I love going for bike rides!
xx xx xx

Beta Fishy said...

Snap! Fetching beer on your bike, nothing gets better than that. Except, perhaps, riding your bike to the local bar.

Girl of Approval said...

I always found it weird in other states that you can buy alcohol in convenience stores, right there next to the diet coke. Tis odd. Can't do that here.

But bike riding is fun! :)