Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ART THERAPY! or touchy feely people of the world unite!

Did you know there is a place called Esalen in Big Sur, California where you can go to workshops and learn shit like stone carving for the soul and how to use finger signals to tap the wisdom of the inner mind...finger signals... hmmmm. Or learn how to Free Your Breath, Free Your Life. What kind of a whackjob would pay to go to these classes?? Me! That's who....probably scoffing the whole time (and I suck at scoffing). Let me just say I really do believe in Art as Therapy. Disclaimer: I also believe a little too much beer is good therapy. So when I burnt the crap outta my toast I was very Pissed Off! But then, after immersing myself in Kindergarten Craftery.....Voila! I was once more at peace with myself....


Undomestic said...

Very cute!

Beta Fishy said...

So what did you make out of the burnt toast?

changapeluda said...

Silly Fishy tricks are for kids!....that square of charcoal w/the happy face is the blackened toast!!!
I burnt the fuck out of it! There was smoke for days.

Beta Fishy said...

LOL! I thought that was a rock.

pinda said...

I'd like my toast a little less crunchy. (And I don't want things to look at me when i'm going to eat them.)

but for the rest it looks dilicious

changapeluda said...

Pinda, i smile @ you!

Beta Fishy girl i smile @ you 2.

Cari, u way up there @ the top,
i smile @ u.


Girl of Approval said...

How on earth did that happen to your toast?

But good use of it in the aftermath. I often play with my food, however, most people don't like it when I do that. Something about how their parents ingrained it into their heads that they shouldn't play with food. Ugh.

changapeluda said...

Mostly i like to blame little disasters on the little people around here...nimble little fingers that move the um antique toaster setting from toasty to incinerated.

But for this, there is no excuse or need to place blame. Another case of it being the operator and not the tool....

Mathew Parkin said...

aww cute (you could have scrapped the black of the toast!)

xx xx xx

changapeluda said...

I could have but you know what that would have left me with?

A little slab of Nothing!

That piece of toast was black
thru & thru!

Mathew Parkin said...

that bod?
gosh thats awful, if anything goes wrong when i cook breakfast i sulk, and it ruins my whole day, so you have discorved a wonderfull way to rescue these days
at the minute i like having soft bolied egg and soldiers :] thought i'd share!
xx xx xx