Monday, February 19, 2007

My plate-cup-table is full/runneth over

This is where my craftiness has led me....heh, heh, heh.


Kirsten said...

Beautiful boy and sandbox. I know you made the boy, but did you make the sandbox and the other box that I have not quite identified?

changapeluda said...

Yep, i made the boy, the sandbox I made out of some scrap lumber I had in the yard. My dad always brought home leftover beams and headers from the jobsite. And so did I...they come in handy they really do! Once you sand them down and paint them they are way more useful then you might think. Pop-pops Loves him some dirt...The other box is an old cupboard door but it's going to be half a chalkboard and half bulletin board once i get all those corks sliced in half & glue 'em on...I used to have an Uncle Becky (my aunt's girlfriend) who liked the vino...a Lot. She gave me a whole mess of corks because i'm "creative". People give me a lot of bits and bobs because i'm "creative". That's how I grew up to be a pack rat.

Beta Fishy said...

I love the sandbox. It looks like it would be great fun to play in.

changapeluda said...

Beta Girl, it Is! It's suprprises me what a blast it is....
And Pop-pops has fun in it, too.
I have spent at least a solid hour packing moist dirt in an old metal camping cup then turning it upside down on a deck of smoothed over sand...I get to build 3 @ at a time, then he can't stand it and must Smassshh!
Yesterday, I took off his sandfilled shoes and peeled off his socks so he could could dig his toes in, then took a buncha pix of his happy toes....
OMG! It's Happy Toesday!
Ha ha ha ha ha oh shit,I crack myself up.
Happy Toesday, hee hee heeee.

Heartful said...

That is one heck of a sandbox!! You're one heck of a Momma.

Mathew Parkin said...

thats so gorgeous