Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why I love Doing Shit Like This

It was a Makita nailgun, with the sky hook not in a completely out position. I was in a half sheathed garage, we were framing a big custom house in the ritzy part of town. My dad was perched in the trusses waiting for me to gopher an intricately cut plywood he had just called out the measurements for....So there I was, directly underneath him when the nailgun did not stay safely hooked onto the damn son of a bitch 2x4. It hit me in the back of the skull, people! I dropped the plywood and commenced to keeling over....Don't pass out don't pass out don't pass out....And when I didn't my dad, the very seasoned rough framer, asked if I was alright then asked me to give him the plywood I had dropped. The next day my older brother gave me a hardhat....But the damage was done. I've not been the same since. I get inordinate amounts of pleasure from the silliest things. I find beauty in burnt toast. I have to do something artistically fartistic. Everyday. I don't know what will happen to me if I don't. It's not so much an artist inside of me yearning to create. I get a big ass kick out of it. That's why I do it.
Aaaah, it felt good to come clean about that!


Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

So--all this is caused by brain damage? I thought that I was the only one....

changapeluda said...

I like to think of it the way Felix did, he really did knock some sense inta me!....and actually it was a Hitachi nailgun which is a hair (u know which kind) more Apropo, dontcha think Smeggie?

changapeluda said...

Oh I crack myself UP.

Beta Fishy said...

I wonder than what is wrong with me. I too find beauty in the oddest of things. I don't recall any nail gun incidents, but there was a time when I fell from the kitchen cabinet when I was four. Hmmmm.....perhaps nothing is wrong.

changapeluda said...

That all depends on if you had tile, linoleum or padded shag carpet....

Beta Fishy said...

Well there was a trip to the emergency room, so it must not have been padded shag. It was the 70s, so I am going to go with linoleum.

changapeluda said...

Yikes, trips to the emergency room are Not good.

what were ya doing in a kitchen cabinet anyway?

Beta Fishy said...

Cereal before Capt. Kangaroo. Why else would I have been up there? ; )

changapeluda said...

Ah, that esplains it.

The Capt. prior to Morgan


Beta Fishy said...

LOL! Ah yes there have been many Capts in my life....