It was the Winter Formal and she had her very particular outfit all prepared. The white pumps, the decision to wear no jewelery, the
straps of the dress altered so as not to slide off and big black ribbon sewed onto the side to act as a bow in the back. Every little
detail accounted for. Alas, in the execution, it got a little fuckered up. The hair stylist was rushed, the time alloted for pictures cut in half and then rushed, the little boyfriends parents being a little too pushy as usual. There just wasn't enough time. We forgot lipstick! How could we forget that? But that's just the small stuff. I think she looked Fabulous. She hates all the pictures. Even after I went thru the trouble(it was really no trouble, just fun) of making a photo-op/ black backdrop w/snowflakes. Oh well, Pop-pops and I got our use out of it anyway. AND we have another bitchen dress for Happy Tuesday. Which just happens to be TOday. So Lookout for a more beautiful and relaxed Happy in her Winter Formalness because this time, I'm running the show. Plus Happy learned a thing or two about doin' an up-do. And beside, duh, it's Happy Tuesday.
Of course she looks beautiful, and somehow a little younger in these photographs. I used to have a red & black jail outfit for my little ones. I love that outfit- very cute.
Happy Tuesday! She looks beautiful, and he looks amazingly precious. How can you stand living with all that beauty? Don't you just love getting all dressed up for a dance....
She does look younger than usual, but very cute. I hope she had a great time!
Pop Pops is so flipping adorable. It's out of control! :)
You have the greatest family.
Oh, you are all so kind. Happy is excruciatingly youthful these days. She's having a lot of pressure from advisors at school and came home almost crying that she is "only 15!" And not ready to go to a University yet. Or be excluded from going...I think was the problem.
We came away with her just trying her best Right Now. To get the best grades she can and see where that takes her.
I think she looks fabulous too, and I just love those stripey pjs!!
This is a great set of pics! She looks exactly her age, which is so cool. Not little girlie and not pushing 25 either, if you know what I mean. :)
she looks absolutly gorgoeus
she shouldnt worry, she has style galore even without lipstick! the red dress, white pumps + flower and no jewlery is very swish. She looks abit like lilly allen.
pop pops looks far too cute in those pics :] aww
xx xx xx
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