Friday, February 02, 2007

I Love My BabyDaddy

I love child support, of any kind. I love a check wrapped (see pic) in my BabyDaddy's art & heart. I love to fart. I love the almost full moon this morning down on the west side. I love leftovers ( especially spaghetti). I love red wine. I love comments of any kind. I love my family but they bug ( it happens most in winter) I love my mom but she really bugs (again seasonal). I love footsie pajamas and babies that run in them & laugh. I love Happy when she's grouchy as hell. I love G. when he's telling a band geek story about finishing Haydn's 1st movement of que sabe que. I love Pop-pops when he wakes up in the middle of the night and gets up on his knees, bows his head and says, "hi!" (I think he dreams in Japanese, yes?) I love my Zoe girl puppy when she looks at me adoringly for just putting my hand on top of her head without even petting her. I love power tools. I love singing (w/G. in the car waiting for the late zero period band teacher who he loves) "I love you whenever, we're together. I love you when we're apart." I love the White Album. I love Billie Holiday. I love coffee. I love writing this post. The End (for now because i have a feeling i will add on) Oh, see, Already: I love the obscure. How about you?


Beta Fishy said...

I love this post. What a wonderful rich life - loving power tools and Billie Holiday.

changapeluda said...

Yay! Finally someone commented here! And it's my good ole Beta Fishy....
I was starting to think nobody loved me.

(nobody loves me?!?!)
whenever i say that out loud, Happy says "I Love you, mom. "
Ha! Sucker!!

Girl of Approval said...

I too loved this post. It was great to read. I also love farting, and not necessarily me farting. :)

I think you are such a dynamic person. I would love to meet you some day. I think it would be like meeting someone famous. :)

And your BabyDaddy has excellent art.

Beta Fishy said...

I love you, too! Now I am off to try this new trick that you taught me.

Nobody loves me?!?!? I think that I might add a dramatic sigh, because if I am nothing it is dramatic.....

changapeluda said...

heee heee you 2 made my day.

Heartful said...

I love this post too!! (And farting, me and my other half both enjoy a good giggle after some spontaneous or synchronized farting...sometimes, we have whole farting conversations!!)

Mathew Parkin said...

i love you for loving all these things!
sorry for my lack of comments recently :]
xx xx xx