I've never been married but I really like that as a title. Happy's dad is the best artist I know. He did the Cleaning Woman on my banner and this one too. My Happy inherited his love of the doodle and is quite the little artiste herself. I really am a lucky dog. He wraps his monthly
support to his daughter in blank copy paper with a nice message written very small and neatly at the bottom. Or sometimes he draws me something. I'm one of those freaks of nature that gets along beautifully and lovingly w/my ex. That's a nice thing to come clean about.
It's nice to hear about good men. I like that doodleart.
I tried to post a comment a second ago, and I think I lost it...so I'll say this again. I think it's amazingly healthy that you and he get along so well and that's great for Happy! Does he do art for a living?? He's so talented!
That's wonderful that you and your ex get along and that he takes responsibility for his child. Yea for art also. I want someone to just send me art each month. I mean a check would be nice, but I'd settle for the art. :)
Hey mom
I found it
whoo hoo
Ya did it G.! Welcome, bienvenue!
Looks good.
i think its lovely that you still get on
i wish my parents still got on, although it is my dads fault.
anyway its lovely, and he is a rahter wonderful artist!
xx xx xx
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