Saturday, November 04, 2006

And then the Little Lost Boy KONKED.


Kirsten said...

Absolutely adorable, wonderful, snuggly and warm

Girl of Approval said...

So, so cute. :)

I can't even handle it. :)

Mathew Parkin said...

aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww so so cute!!!

i've sent you a letter with extras of today, i hope it arrives soon :]

xx xx xx

Beta Fishy said...

I wish that I could follow him to Never Never Land. What wonderful dreams he must have....

changapeluda said...

Alright, i will come clean, guys. See that crib railing? Merely a front. He is snuggly and warm and all the things cuddly you can think of. So mostly he sleeps with yours truly.

I've spent many an hour watching him slumber
...the other night he said, "oh WOW." then smiled a sleeping smile.