Friday, September 29, 2006

Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet

Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet

release date: 9-12-1995


Beta Fishy said...

OMG!! I LOVE THIS SONG. I have the CD and will play this song over and over and over. It is exactly how love is.

Thank you for reminding me of that!

Anonymous said...

hahaha she has a fun screeeeaamm.

changapeluda said...


yes. very veruca salt -the golden ticket holder not the musical group.

Mathew Parkin said...

oh oh i LOVE that song, and that video! in fact i just love Bjork, she once came to this little village that dale and i live in to meet this famous jazz musician!

xx xx xx

changapeluda said...

Bjork is off the chain.
(She's ace!)