I don't know what the fuck happened to the weather around here but it has been freeeeeezing! For reals. I went to check on some of my double dipped purple toed tie-dye and whattaya know.... the wading pool that I let Pop-pops dip his toesies in just the other day, then used for the rinse cycle-overnight soaker of my tie dye... Frozen! Isn't that great?? The ice was clinging in sheets to the socks....So I dangled them from a tree to take a picture for this here blog and OMG! in a Dream Come True....The Patron Saint of Tie-dye, the Virgin of the Sacred Hearted Socks appeared!! Fantastic!
I was hoping something like this would happen! And it did. Check her out in that First groovy picture. To the right of the tied up frozen tube socks. There she is in all of her multicolored cloaked glory. Can you make her out?? I am so excited and happy about this that even if you can't see her, I can. That's enuf for me. But I sure hope you can. She's beautiful! I thought she might appear in one of the socks...I already know how weird I am, so it's okay that I'm reminding you. Isn't it? I think it's kind of like a miracle. I really do.
i can.
she is beautiful, and as always you captured her beauty wonderfully, as you do all your subjects!
i love the cold and the frost, it transforms everything.
xx xx xx
She is lovely, dancing around your tie-dyes protecting them from the cold. You are blessed.
Thanks for your insightful comment on Small and Big. I added it to http://smallandbig.blogspot.com/2007/01/all-alliteration.html.
She's amazing, but why did she bring you ice? Ok, maybe she was protecting your socks from the cold. I think she is an echo of Happy's beauty.
I think we should call the Vatican...:)
I think we should call the Vatican...:)
I think we should call the Vatican...:)
I think we should call the Vatican...:)
me too, me too, me too, me too!
does anybody out there know
The Pope's home phone number?
I think all of you that comment here are (like what the very cool Knitsteel said)
an "echo of happy's beauty."
(isn't that a bitchen thing to say to somebody?)
Those are the most beautiful socks. :)
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