Isn't that somethin'? This past X-mas that didn't suck? I re-learned about the group hug. Happy and I were giving my favourite Babydaddy a hug at the same time and contentedly my Happy says, ""Aww, group hug."
Hell yeah. And speakin' of Hell - It HAS been. The foreclosure plot THICKENS to way so thick i am all Stuck in it. Up to my fucking neck. Hasta eso. So i need me some angelz BIG TIME. Did you know that according to Sylvia Brown (not Plath which i just eerily typed instead of brown....spoooookky) There are a GAZILLION angels so you can call on as many as you need? I have found that to be true. So my new thing is; i start off with just a couple and by the end of the day, i got all KINDS of Angels helpin' me out.
Happy Sunday, people! I gotta go sweep out that funky Van from the Seventies as it is all CLEARED OUT! And sold to the highest bidder (not).
You should read the Golden
Compass and all of them. They
have angels in it, too. Although
it offers a slightly different
view point on them. Still, you
might like it.
I want a group hug!
Those angels - they really are showing themselves for those pieces you're making.
G, Knitsteel & that hat
ok i'm sending angels from my forest who really want to stretch their wings. hang in there, those children and their paper angels so beautiful...maybe you could auction them on ebay..they are so so full of beautiful love.
I love your beautiful angels!!!
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