Thursday, April 17, 2008

Post #1 From San Francisco

I am takin' us back to the Easter Holiday and finally posting about my most recent trip to see my beautiful and diligent son G. This was the picture i took after i left him to drive back home. We had just spent his lunch break on Columbus Ave. I made it to City Lights Books! No place for a two year old grabby child. When it was time for us to leave, our short weekend visit was over so soon.... my G. sure did look glum. He was way tired and still had his second shift to go.

I think there are looooong winged angels watching over him and it comforts me to know that they do a good job of it.


Nigel St.John Regina Smegmatica Howle-Raines said...

Hey baby, where have you been? Boy, would I love to share some stuff with you! Stories from over the last few months....would curl your hair. It did curl what's left of mine, too!

Girl of Approval said...

Glad to know you are all right. I miss you. You should give me your email address so I can keep up that way since blogging is falling by the wayside.

Markitos said...

Man I used to love dragin my behind outa the redwoods for some SF culture. pulling off the corkboots and dollin up in a new pair of jeans. Even smooth out the dreads a bit. Way back when that is.